I came across these pics in my recent poli-trolling, and plan extensive comment on them in the future (tomorrow?).
Until then, I will bait you with promises of a photoshopped "Mc-Can't Survive for a second term" flyer to compliment the "No-bama" one that you can now find here. Thrilling. So that's in the works, but this fun McCain "no flag pin" flyer I found will have to do for now. Well aware that "Mc-Can't survive for a second term" is a bit weak, I invite your suggestions, and hope I can come up with something better by tomorrow night, when I will (if still motivated, at all) have time to put such a thing together.
Additionally, you should really take a moment to read Tom Friedman's latest piece, about coyness and energy policy.
I hope you all are remembering to right click and "open in new window." I'd hate to lose your precious faces to the very links I provide. In case you miss the title link, it's worth a look here.
As for the "No-bama" below, I am always embarrassed for people who can use photoshop less well than myself. So we'll se what I come up with.