
jokes abound

I came across this (again) and feel it's worth revisiting:


Nick Kristof lays it down harder, searing you 'conscience style'. 

Dowd and Friedman are hilarious and prescient, respectively, as always.  Hopefully Dowd isn't both.  


Vice, ahem, Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin can be found speaking extensively on Charlie Rose last year.  I only watched it once so far, and only half-paying attention, but she comes across as intelligent, charming, well spoken, and, just every once-in-a twentieth or so sentence, a MOUTHPIECE! MOUTHPIECE!

It's SO FUNNY that he asks Janet Napolitano if she has any interest in higher offer.  


David Broder seems unhappy with the Obama speech.

George Will echoes an opinion I have read elsewhere (Peter Beinart in Time, it turns out) that a win from McCain will hurt the GOP in the long run, because a Dem Congress will frustrate either him or his right wing supporters (shocked and appalled by his acquiescences) thus destroying the party and decimating any chances for continued success or synergy.  

An Obama win could lead to a situation like in 1994 with Bill Clinton, where a Dem controlled government goes to far, causing a strong conservative backlash.  In the end, such an alignment of stars may strengthen the struggling GOP.  Mr. Will makes this argument, somewhat unknowingly, through an examination of the Arnold Schwarzenegger administration.  


Charles Karuthammer, as usual, takes the prize for incisive blows to the Democrat's side of thinking.  Why you gotta be hatin on our man, Chuck?  However, while I hope to be proven right in my disagreement, he does make a brutally good point.

The ''oh-we-hardly knew you's'' go both ways, just take a look (and listen!) at TIME's coverage of McCain this week.  

You really should click the link and listen to the interview for the full brilliant 23 minutes of context.